Thrift Fashion Show at the Newhaven Festival August 2019 and The Great His ‘N’ Hers Clothes Swap 17th October 2019
You only have to sit in a cafe for half hour and watch people make their way down the street to know that glamour has little to do with clothes and everything to do with enjoyment of one’s own style
Thrift Fashion Show August 2019 Newhaven Festival 2019
The Thrift Fashion Show in August (at the Hillcrest Community Centre in Newhaven) used donations from local charity shops, crazy styling by Diana Uprichard of Dolly Clothing and graphic designer Emma Carlow and strong, the sensual choreography of Ginnie Farman. The message was delivered at the end by Mica Lamb. Keep clothes in circulation.
The Thrift Fashion Show, Newhaven Festival August 2019
Aside from the glorious strutting, the joy of it (there was so much smiling) lay in the crazy combinations the models wore, no one had a look and everyone looked fabulous. No skinny streamlining but plenty of colour, shape, curve and real, warm bodies.
The show was put together to bring attention to, and get people talking about, fast, disposable fashion, how destructive it is to our planet and how, if we make our clothes last longer, mend them, find them in charity and second-hand shops, we delay both the moment we buy new ones (see the true cost of new clothes) and the day the old ones are tipped onto ever growing landfill mountains.
The Great His ‘N’ Hers Clothes Swap
The Dolly Clothing Great His ‘N’ Hers Clothes Swap at the Elephant and Castle Pub in Lewes was full of people finding and delighting in clothing that will now have a second life
If you’re interested in getting involved with the sustainable fashion movement and you want to know more about extending the life of the clothes you have, Dolly Clothing and sign up for a goodie bag full inspiration and information for a stylishly sustainable wardrobe. They include a list of their favourite sustainable brands, alteration hints&tips and a video tutorial.